Hatha Yoga: The Pradipika
THE BODY AS CENTRAL The Secret of Embodiment: MACROCOSM & MICROCOSM The body (deha) which stems from the verbal root dih - to smear or be soiled - hints at the defiled nature of the body. Yet, the same verbal root (dih) can also signify to anoint or that which is anointed. The older Sanskrit word for body which is sharira derive from the verbal root shri meaning to rest upon or support - here the body serves as a prop or framework by means of which the self can experience the world. This has led Tantrics to see the body as the "temple of the divine." Tantra has a body positive approach If the world is real, the body must be real as well If the world in essence is divine, so must the body be divine If the world is an aspect of the divine power of shakti, then our body is likewise a divine power of shakti When we truly understand the body, we discover that it is the world which in essence is divine Because the human body has a complex nervous system allowing higher ...