
Showing posts from September, 2020

Magical Thinking and Conspiracy Theoories

 Listen to and read these for a discussion of Yoga, Pop-Culture andIdentity: Wellness Industry Yoga and QANON

Read BEFORE 10/1 Practice

  Bikram Yoga Website Read "About" section. Know  the principles behind Bikram Yoga the 26 postures health claims and healing stories connection to "lineage" be prepared for practice IN CLASS

Guide to Reading NEVRIN Article (due 10/6)

  Nevrin Article (Empowerment and the Body) “Empowerment and Using the Physical Body in Modern Postural Yoga (MPY)” -What is the importance of the practice environment? Can you see any of these elements in the setting in which you are practicing? -What is the importance of “performance” and “sequence” in modern postural yoga? (in the Krishnamacharya school) Do you see this in the setting in which you are practicing? -How might one see the practice environment as a “ritual setting”? One that might induce a certain state of mind or encourage a kind of experience? -Consider what Nevrin calls the “elements of experience”: --How are these important (you may elaborate from your readings), and again, do you find them in your practice setting? 1) context/scene 2) ritual enactment 3) importance of the “embodied experience” Consider the three aspects of “embodied experience” 1)        Attending to movement 2)        Heightened sensi...

Class Blogs

  Christian Gonzalez Adore Bullock Zach Cannizzo Anita B. Kayla Bermudez Faith Smith Moujnir Lewis Sarah Wingler Jeffery Fisher Luiza Sala Zach Weschler Caitlin Gonzalez Camille velez Allison Bise Caroline Sagan Ashley Pintor Amelia Pawlowski Franz Osol jacob Sheftic Alexandra Peterson Olivia DeBow Nina Paoli Susan Ryan Hasib Ullah Sal Tiffany DiDonato John Nicholson Emily Carey Justin Amadi

Western Early Practices: From Counterculture to Counterculture

From Counterculture to Counterculture: Influences FIVE IMPORTANT EARLY INFLUENCES: The International  PHYSICAL CULTURE MOVEMENT   (19 th  century) Quasi-religious movements of physical culture went through Europe to India where they were infiltrated with popular new forms of  HINDU NATIONALISM  Found their way from India to America Now a merging of these two movements ORIENTALISM 19 th  century European scholars who studied the texts & traditions of Asia (great interest in the East) Prevalent attitudes about yoga among Orientalists Part of nation-building (Said) or more (Smith)? MODERN DANCE Traditions in the West Turn of the century female choreographers NEW AGE RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS  Share features of mysticism and esotericism and universalism with the evolving identity of yoga in the modern context. Yoga was a tradition made up of heterogenous systems of thought and practice in which individuals sought to destabilize normal consciousness and...