Yoga: Religion, Spirituality or Fitness?

Is Yoga a Religion? 


  • What is "religion"? and how does this differ from "spirituality"?
  • "Yoga is in religion, religion is not in yoga"-the many yoga practices along with their transcendent goal of direct experience, are typically not practiced by adherents of religion. (Swami Rama)

Most academics who study the history of yoga would say no. This is because:

  • yoga has roots in Buddhism 
  • Yoga has developed within Hinduism
  • Yoga was developed within Jainism
  • Yoga has developed within agnostic and atheistic contexts
The principle tenets of classical yoga (Samkhaya) is a Philosophical tradition, not a religion= 
  • attributed to the sage Kapila
  • His propositions were based on an understanding of the the "natural" universe in relations to all beings and entities in it. 
  • The natural world was seen as a manifestation of "consciousness". 
  • It did not entail any DIVINITY (belief in a supernatural- which is common to the basis of religion)
But, many inside and outside of yoga have reasons to claim it IS a religion:
  • if it is a religion, it can not be regulated
  • you can't tax it (classes) if it is a religion
  • it can be freely exercised if it is a religion (first amendment)
  • yoga is a spiritual practice, not a purchase (anti-commodification)
Alternate discourse: Yoga is SPIRITUALITY, not religion
  • no religious obligations
  • no doctrine
  • democratic ethic (everyone is their own guru)
  • doctrine of "choice"
Jain sees yoga as a "body of religious practice" characterized by the following:
  • treated as sacred
  • set apart from the mundane (ordinary)
  • grounded in shared ontology
  • grounded in a shared set of values (axiology)-resolving suffering or death
  • above reinforced through narrative or ritual
Commodification models:
  • Selling Spirituality (Carrette and King)-big business of spirituality
    • loss of orientation away from materialism=toward materialism
    • simply a form of exercise and stress reduction and self-development (fad)
  • Fuerstein- wrote off postural yoga as a commodity-corrupted
  • commodified spirituality has no religious substance and is essentially about capitalism 
Should see yoga as a "religious practice"
  • the body is my temple and asanas are my prayers
  • health is religious/ill health is irreligious
  • yoga mat and other objects are "sacred"
  • religio-philosophical consumerism which links the self to the body so that the attainment of health and beauty is central to the transformative and transcendent process of self-development
  • personal growth=new age salvation
  • released deeply held unresolved trauma (therapeutic modalities as religion)
  • aesthetic regimens of diet and exercise aimed at enhancing sexual prowess=disciplining desire (tantra)
  • ritual healing
  • validation of systems through ties to ancient religious practice (ashtanga/Iyengar)
  • GURU
    • suggest that one is sacred and in control of sacred knowledge
    • metaphysical religion (based on energy)
    • fulfills both utilitarian AND religious needs= not just a teacher


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